Showing only posts by Cryptech Core Team. Show all posts.

Upgrading the Cryptech Alpha HSM

This page explains how to upgrade the Cryptech Alpha firmware, bootloader, and FPGA bitstream (as needed).

All of the operations here use the Alpha's "management" (MGMT) port, so that cable must be connected to your Linux or OSX host machine.

Upgrading from the stock firmware (Berlin workshop or CrowdSupply)

The …


DNSSEC Requirements


  • Should we even support SHA-1?
  • GOST?

Must implement

Target DNSSEC Algorithms:

  • RSA/SHA-256 (RFC 5702)
  • RSA/SHA-512 (RFC 5702)


  • Hash: SHA-256
  • Hash: SHA-512
  • Sign: RSA

Required PKCS11 Mechs:

  • CKM_RSA_PKCS (possible cross-check hash with CKM_SHA256 and CKM_SHA512 before signing)
  • CKM_SHA256
  • CKM_SHA512

Should implement

Target …

Project Status Dashboard

Product Component Requirements

State Component DNSsec Signing Let's Encrypt Tor Consensus Internal Ticket
Done AES / KEY WRAP Wrap/Bkup #17
ECDSA p256 secondary Yes
ECDSA p384 secondary ?
Testing PKCS#11 Yes Yes Yes Yes #14
Done RSA Yes Yes Yes #16
Done SHA-1 Yes
Done SHA-256 Yes Yes Yes
Done …

Comparison of On-Chip Bus Standards


This document contains a brief summary of different on-chip bus standards. The standards are described and compared based on license and availability, technical specifications and general usage.

The purpose of the document is to provide a basis for selecting the primary bus standard for the Cryptech Open HSM project …

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